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  • 5:23
  • Sep 19 2023
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Keith Wallace

If you’re reading this, I pray that you have a great day. I love you. #GrownManVibes ❤️🤝🏿 Keith Wallace was born in the heart of Miami FL. Just like most young black men, he dreamed of leaving his mark on the world. However, one bad decision at the age of fourteen took his life on a six-year detour behind bars. The confinement of prison could not rob him of his dream. In fact, this isolation from society allowed him to fine tune his skills as a rapper. “Whatever greatness God instills in you can’t no prison take from you unless you allow it to.” In 2004, Keith left prison with more than he went in with. Just like Malcolm X, he gained knowledge, societies knowledge that 1+1 = 2 but 1+1 = whatever he wanted it too. He learned that you have the ability to create your own definition. Keith didn’t waste anytime, getting into the rapping arena. He hit every avenue that was at his fingertips from open mics to street cyphers. He had to get his voice out in the community and this was one vehicle he used. He also recorded hundreds of songs and flooded the streets with music. There was no denying him. Word eventually got out about his talent and Keith’s name started to travel faster than he could. He was invited to perform at half time shows and open for artist such as Trick Daddy and Rick Ross. It seemed as if everything was right. But his new found fame was short lived. In 2009, Keith was charged with murder and sat 3yrs in the county jail. He beat the case and was set free in 2012. After released, Keith got a job working as a dishwasher until his music picked up. On November 2013, his life changed forever when his mother and step daughter both passed on the same day. His mother from cancer, and his daughter from a hit and run. This tragedy made Keith reevaluate his life. While mourning the loss of his mother and daughter, he began to write and expressed exactly how he felt. He recorded himself on his cellphone rapping on Trick Daddy’s Thug Holiday and uploaded it to Facebook. His lyrics “Lost my mama to cancer. Lost my daughter to a hit and run on the same day, that shit made me wanna get a gun and blow my brains away”. Keith Wallace had a story to tell. The video went viral instantly. With over 200k shares and over 2million views, the world now knew his story. Today Keith has gained millions of loyal followers. He remains independent and has released over 3 mixtapes and 2 albums. With quotes like “Mind Elevation” and “Each One Reach One, When You Reach One Teach One”, it’s safe to say that Keith’s music promotes a positive message and is appropriate for all ages because he doesn’t use profanity in his lyrics. Keith has also been invited to talk to many public and private schools to tell his story about going to prison at such a young age. Keith Wallace continues to change lives through his music. He is a blacktivist and he leads by example with helping the community including feeding the homeless. Like a doctor is to medicine, Keith Wallace is to rap music. He makes the mind think, the body move and spirit yearn for a better tomorrow.

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